Our CLub Offers
The Martin Brower Blaze Sprint Club is a diverse group of athletes who share a common goal of getting faster! We offer a home to the many unattached athletes that find it difficult to belong to a club, becasue of work, school or other challenges. Our sprinters help each other through sharing new ideas, training tips & tools so each athlete can find the right balance that fits them in their training.

Our Head Coach is Karl Jones. Karl is a world class athlete who has clocked a very fast 10:19 and was ranked 7th in the world. Karl was number one in the 60-metre, ranked number two in the 300-metre, and ranked number three in the 400-metre for Canada in 1987 and 1988. Karl won bronze medals in the Canadian Nationals (1988), and was on the World Junior and Olympic teams in 1988. Karl attended the University of Oklahoma State where in his freshman year, he was All American in the 400 metres. Karl was ranked number three in the nation in the 400-metre while at Oklahoma State from 1989-1990 and won silver medals at the at the N.C.A.A. (1991-1992). In 2001, Karl was still clocking a fast 10:27. Karl is a world class coach who has the knowledge and training to take sprinters to the highest levels in their events.

Off-Track Training
Our club will help athletes who are serious about getting faster develop an off-track training program. By using a weight-training system designed specifically for each individual athlete, based on what is best for them, each athlete will be able to increase their flexability for sprinting through dynamic and static stretching. We also use resistance training techniques suited for each individual sprinter and use different cardio training methods to help increase lung and heart capacity.

Developing Friendships & Relationships
Through belonging to our club, athletes will develop long-lasting friendships--which makes it all so much more fun! One of the most important aspects of our club is that we want each athlete to really enjoy the experience and camaraderie of training together along with the competition in track meets. The friendships gained through meeting the many athletes, coaches and officials at track meets is immeasurable. Our club emphasizes the importance of being on the track, training to develop speed, and making an effort to reach your highest potential. The opportunity to participate locally at meets and to travel to places they may never have seen before will be highly enjoyable for each athlete.

Uniforms & Equipment
Our primary colours are navy blue and white. In 2016, we will be adding a customized speed suit for any athletes that feel more comfortable wearing that style of uniform. Our supplier offers the best prices available on sprinting shoes, training uniforms, warm-up suits, cold weather clothing and equipment.

Relays are really important for our club, because they bring into play the crucial aspect of a team of 5 sprinters working together in sync to achieve the best performance possible. Not only does it make everyone accountable to each other, but carries over to their individual events--if one of us wins, we all win. The relays also mirror the working world, where everyone has to work together to achieve success. Most athletes feel that the relays are the funnest to run!